Thursday, August 21, 2008

S&B, Stripy Sweater, and Coffee Cozies

Tonight was the second meeting of the S&B. It was just myself and my friend C, and we had a great time. I hadn't seen her in awhile, so it was good to catch up. I worked on the back of my stripy sweater, which is something I can easily do while chatting. That's part of why I like having several projects going at once. Sometimes I like sitting down and focusing on a pattern, and sometimes I want something my hands can do on their own.

I've finished the front. I like how the V part came out, and I'm going to border it with black. I think I will try doing something of a shallow U for the back, again instead of a square. Here it is, lovely strings and all.

Sweater Front

In other news, happy 2-month anniversary to us :) I realized what the date was only after my husband had fallen asleep (jet lag from his business trip, plus 12 hour flight). According to my sources, we're allowed to be "newlyweds" for at least a year...

Here's part of a project I worked on around valentines day. I was planning on selling these, but that never happened. Sometime I'll post pictures of the 13-14 different ones that I made. They're cup cozies, originally for disposable cups instead of using the paper sleeves. They hold in the heat better, and I think they're more comfy to hold. I've been using this glass cup for my morning tea, and it works well. I can also tuck the teabag tag into it, so that it doesn't fall in. (Yes that's the same oatmeal as the sweater above. I did see a pattern somewhere online for these, but I'm not sure where. I made these with trial and error anyhow.

Cozy - Flash

Here it is without flash, and you can see the heart better.

Cozy - No Flash

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