Monday, June 20, 2011

Funky Dress

I know, two posts in one week, don't look so shocked =)

I'm on the email list for Vogue and McCalls, and they send me specials every now and then. It's handy because patterns can be expensive!

I'm undecided on this dress. I like the general shape, and the panel in the front, but I'm not sure about the side "flaps."

As usual, the diagram looks very different from the photo, so that's not so helpful.

Hmm, I have some burgundy fine knit fabric kicking around, so I may just have to experiment.

-- iPhone post

1 comment:

Rebecca Flys said...

Hmmmm you'll need to use some seriously floppy it doesn't come out looking "hippy" as in your hips look big not as in wear as daisy crown.

Love your blog!