To help me decide what colors I wanted, I looked at this handy reference chart over at Knitty. This was a great refresher on dying as well.
First I wound the wool into loose hanks around two chair backs (the cats were very interested in this step,) and then I washed it.
I had split it up into two sections, and I think I have enough for two knit scarves. I decided on doing them each with two colors in a striped pattern.
Here's the first batch just after I put it in. You can see the color is still very light.
After they'd heated up, I transferred the first one to bowls, as I only have a couple small pots.
Now you can see the purple getting darker, and the orange is very intense. I was going for fiery, after all.
I'll have to wait until tomorrow for the results. Now that the heat's off, I can go to bed and let it chill overnight.
I also got some sewing done today. I've been working on a blanket for our little one. The center squares are flannel, and the green border and dark brown backing are cotton.
Herbert loves it when I do laundry. He thinks the fresh blankets are just for him :)
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