Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here's a project a few years in the making. At least, the design was rolling around in my head for that long. Every once in awhile I'd think again: "I really want to make that Mario blanket!"

The recipient was obvious. When I was little, I remember my older brother B always on the NES. I got to play every now and then, but mostly I just got to watch. Not long after this Exciting game console came around, my oldest brother S decided to take it apart to see how it all worked (not surprisingly.) Unfortunately, when all the pieces went together, it no longer played any sound. Mario and Luigi had no theme music or action sounds for all their hopping around and smashing Goombas. Our parents pointed out that it could be sent away to be repaired, but B would have none of that! So, silent Mario it was.

I started the bricks a little over a month before my brother's birthday. I finished in time, but just barely.

Here's an action shot, where I'm just starting in on the question box.

I first pieced together the tube, attached it to the ground, and then filled in the sky.

I thought three coins were appropriate, one for each decade =)

I sewed on the coins and box each on one side only, so it wouldn't be too thick in those places.

I "climbed out" of the tube several times. I thought a life-size tube was awesome, and other people seemed to find it hilarious =)

Here he is all wrapped up and ready to go.

Awww it made a heart!

The finished product!

Here's B posing with his new blanket.

I got a tremendously awesome response from friends who saw the blanket in progress.

Happy Birthday, bro! I had a ton of fun making this, and I hope you enjoy it :)

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